Booking conditions and payment methods
Booking can be made by email (
Once the booking is confirmed, we will email (or mail) to you bank references (IBAN and SWIFT codes) for payment. Credit card payment is not possible.
Arrival and departure times
Arrival time begins at 15 o'clock (3 pm) and departure time ends at 12 o'clock
(noon). Other arrangements may be made on request.
Pick up point for keys is at the main building of the farm Salvia. You can find the travelling instructions at the Location page.
What is included in the price?
The rent includes use of the cottage/apartment and all accessories,
electricity, heating and lighting. Also firewood and use of sauna
is included. Cottages/apartments by the lake includes also a boat which the
customer can use without extra payment.
The cottages/apartments are provided with mattresses, pillows
and blankets. The rent does not include bed linen.
The cottages/apartments are entirely self-catering.
Cleaning is not included in the rent. The cottage/apartment must be in a clean and neat condition for the next guests. You can clean the cottage/apartment on departure by yourself or, alternatively, you can pay an extra fee for the departure cleaning service. If the cottage/apartment is not cleaned at the end of the rental period and the departure cleaning is not payed in advance, the owner has the right to charge for cleaning.